My Madd Style Cosmetics look started out like this, this morning:

And they've morphed a bit into this:

Products used:
- SoBe Primed and Proper for primer (the top picture was taken about 3 or 4 hours before the second, and NO creasing! If only I could get it that consistent EVERY time I use it!!!)
- NYX Eyeshadow Base in "White"
- Madd Style Cosmetics Sub Zero in ducts and as brow highlight
- Madd Style Cosmetics Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas collection) on 2/3rds of lid
- Madd Style Cosmetics Debaser on outer 1/3 of lid and on the lower lash line
- Madd Style Cosmetics Space Oddity in outer most corner, into crease and on outer lower lash line
- Madd Style Cosmetics Time Warp applied as liner (mixing medium used: Aromaleigh Indelible Eyeliner Sealant)
- Quo 803 Lashes (on bottom picture)
This was my first time playing with Sally. Why did I wait so long?!! It's such a pretty silvery blue!!
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